CanTorque President Colin Livingston spends most of his time between engineering offices, production facilities and visiting the company’s worldwide partners. It’s not too often that he gets to spend time in the field working directly with CanTorques customers. In this particular instance, CanTorque’s experience and data collection capabilities helped solve the customer’s problem.
Having the ability to work with a “competitor” is also something that sets CanTorque apart from many in our industry. We consider ourselves stewards of the bolting industry and are proud to work with other likeminded companies that further technology, while placing customer requirements first.
For this project, we were tasked with 2 operations:
Ultrasonic fastener measurement
Hydraulic torquing of several hundred fasteners at various settings to determine ideal result
Our friend determined 2 different bolting procedures that we first followed in his shop. The data we acquired matched the theoretical outcomes perfectly.
Now duplicate the results
Next we were challenged to repeat the results on 4 different joints at the customer’s location. Traditionally the customer had to rely on the accuracy of a torque tool, gauge, etc. and really had no idea how accurate the loading process was. Getting to see tangible results from our CT Wave Ultrasonic Extensometer really impressed the customer. The Wave’s ability to record multiple readings per fastener allowed us to catalogue the results as we brought each bolt up to final specification. We will also be able to re-measure these fasteners in the future to see what happens to them after they’ve been in service.
Contact us to see what CanTorque can do to improve your bolting program.