Problems Solved!
Problem Solved isn’t just something we say-it’s what we live and the foundation on which CanTorque is built.
Yesterday we were contacted by 2 of our longest standing customers within minutes of each other, both located in Calgary and both had issues that required solving. As it turns out they are located only a few minutes away from each other.
For those of you reading that are unfamiliar with our geography Calgary is approximately 300KM from our home base in Edmonton.
Problem 1: Two Places at Once
Problem 1 was that our customer’s equipment was being used in the field and had some unexpected shop work to be done and needed to rent a system to assemble their specialized valves used in the refinery process, but they had to have equipment up and running same day.
Solution: Pull requested products from our rental inventory, inspect, service and calibrate tools and pump gauge in accordance with our ISO 9001:2018 Quality Management System. Load gear and hit the road.
Problem 1: Tools Needed for Quality Assurance Testing Before Customer Fulfillment
Problem 2: 3 1/2″ studs with 5 3/8″ nuts required torquing to 22,000 Lbf/ft for hydro testing a large vessel prior to being able to ship to their customer.
Solution: RT-32 Razor Series Hydraulic Torque Wrench (3,200-38,000 Lbf/ft torque range) w/ our Turbo Electric high flow pump which operated much more quickly than what they had on hand. Due to the large size of the cylinder cavity of these wrenches pump flow is very important to maximize tool speed.
The CanTorque Team Was On Site When We Were Needed.
With just under 7 hours of time on the road, 650KM travelled, and two very happy customers we were able to solve both problems in one trip.